

Top 10 problems with the proposed House transportation bill

By bikeleague | February 2, 2012
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By popular demand, you can now read the top ten list of reasons the proposed House transportation bill, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, is terrible for bicycling and livable communities.…

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50 Happiest People in America Today

By bikeleague | February 1, 2012
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The 50 happiest people in America this morning are waking up from a 20-year nightmare. You probably don’t know their names and you certainly wouldn’t recognize them in the street…

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Horrible Surface Transportation Bill Unveiled Today — Bicycle Programs Eliminated

By bikeleague | February 1, 2012
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Moments ago, Congressman John Mica (R-FL) announced the introduction of the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. The proposed bill eliminates dedicated funding for bicycling and walking as we feared,…

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Support the League by Riding your Bike!

By bikeleague | January 30, 2012
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If you want to support the League and love to ride your bike, do we have a deal for you! We are a beneficiary of Climate Ride for the second…

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LeBron James Bikes to Work

By bikeleague | January 30, 2012
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Knowing that the Miami Marathon would cause a lot of traffic congestion, Miami Heat Forward LeBron James beat the traffic by getting on his bike and getting in a little…

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Does anyone walk and bike outside of big cities? New report says yes.

By bikeleague | January 30, 2012
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If you think bicycling and walking are only for big cities, you are only getting part of the story. A report released today by the Rails to Trails Conservancy, “Active…

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Bicycling is big business, just ask Iowa

By bikeleague | January 27, 2012
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Large rides like RAGBRAI support local economies by bringing thousands of riders to small communities (Photo: Christopher Gannon/The Des Moines Register) Bicycling generates $364.8 million in direct and indirect benefits to the…

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House Bill Threatens to Eliminate Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding

By bikeleague | January 26, 2012
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By Mary Lauran Hall, Communications Coordinator, America Bikes For the past 20 years, the federal Transportation program has included dedicated funding for biking and walking. Over the course of twenty…

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Safe Passing for Safe Streets

By bikeleague | January 26, 2012
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Yesterday we heard about the great news of the Pennsylvania Senate passing HB 170, the Safe Passing Act and sending it to Governor Corbett’s desk for his signature. Just in…

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PA Senate PAsses safe PAssing

By bikeleague | January 25, 2012
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Too much with the PA joke? Sorry. Anyway… Big news today out of Pennsylvania. The PA Senate passed House Bill 170, the Safe Passing Act by a vote of 45 to…

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