

Most Exciting Bike Month in 50 Years?

By bikeleague | May 1, 2012
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Well, OK, I can’t honestly say I’ve even been in the country for more than 25 National Bike Months, and I’ve certainly gotten excited about Bike Month before… but this…

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America Unites to Bike 10 Million Miles

By bikeleague | April 30, 2012
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In 2007, Leonard Wright weighed more than 250 pounds and could barely bicycle a quarter-mile before lying in the grass, gasping for air. Now, the 66-year-old Florida resident is slim,…

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New Report: Women Underrepresented on Bike/Ped Advisory Committees

By bikeleague | April 30, 2012
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Cathy DeLuca’s research sprung from personal curiosity. A long-time transportation cyclist and bicycle advocate, she was surprised to learn that her local bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee lacked a single…

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Reasons to Ride the National Bike Challenge (Even if you don’t need reasons to ride. . .)

By Scott | April 27, 2012
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The National Bike Challenge is a great motivational tool for riders returning to cycling. Some of those riders are posting their stories and goals in the home page comment feed,…

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UPDATE: Senate and House Announce Transportation Bill Conferees

By bikeleague | April 26, 2012
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On Tuesday, he Senate released the names of the lawmakers from that chamber who will sit on the conference committee for the transportation authorization bill. The committee, made of up Senators and Representatives from both parties, will have to negotiate the differences between the Senate’s MAP-21 and the modified extension of the current transportation authorization, SAFETEA-LU, passed by the House last Wednesday.

UPDATE: On Wednesday April 25, the House named its conferees.

America Bikes has listed the names of all of the conferees along with a link to more information about their records on bicycle and pedestrian issues:
Barbara Boxer (California)
Max Baucus (Montana)
Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia)
Dick Durbin (Illinois)
Tim Johnson (South Dakota)
Chuck Schumer (New York)
Bill Nelson (Florida)
Robert Menendez (New Jersey)
Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)
David Vitter (Louisiana)
Richard Shelby (Alabama)
Orrin Hatch (Utah)
Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Texas)
John Hoeven (North Dakota)

There are no big surprises on this list.
Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Republicans
John Mica (FL-7)
Don Young (AK-AL)
John Duncan (TN-2)
Bill Shuster (PA-9)
Shelley Moore Capito (WV-2)
Rick Crawford (AR-1)
Jaime Herrera-Beutler (WA-3)
Larry Bucshon (IN-8)
Richard Hanna (NY-24)
Steve Southerland (FL-2)
James Lankford (OK-5)
Reid Ribble (WI-8)
Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Democrats
Nick Rahall (WV-3)
Peter DeFazio (OR-4)
Jerry Costello (IL-12)
Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL)
Jerry Nadler (NY-8)
Corrine Brown (FL-3)
Eljah Cummings (MD-7)
Leonard Boswell (IA-3)
Tim Bishop (NY-1)

Here are the Representatives from other committees.

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Helping Cyclists With Disabilities Reach Their Goals

By bikeleague | April 26, 2012
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The League’s Smart Cycling curriculum is a great tool for creating safe, confident cyclists. One of the greatest aspects of the program is the way it can be adapted to…

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“Show Congress” Your Bike Month Events

By bikeleague | April 25, 2012
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Events are already planned. The buzz is beginning to build. The media is getting interested. But how can you make your 2012 National Bike Month efforts have a lasting impact…

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AAA President: What If Bicycling Became as Mainstream as Driving?

By bikeleague | April 25, 2012
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He may work for the American Automobile Association, but Paul Gaffney likes getting around on two wheels, too. In the latest issue of VIA magazine, the president and CEO of…

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Women Riders Across the Globe Unite for Cyclofemme on May 13

By bikeleague | April 24, 2012
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When Sarai Snyder started mountain biking in 1995 she felt like the only woman on the local scene. A few years later, when she managed a local bike shop in…

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BFB Employees Share Their Stories: AstraZeneca and American Family Insurance

By bikeleague | April 23, 2012
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By Lindsay Plante, BFA Communications Intern Last week, American Family Insurance in Madison, Wisconsin and AstraZeneca in Wilmington, Delaware, were among the 67 new companies added to the ranks of…

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