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Bike to Work Day in Washington, D.C.

D.C. Bike to Work Day
Today is Bike to Work Day (always the third Friday in Bike Month), and the League celebrated at Washington, D.C.’s event on Freedom Plaza. The event, hosted by WABA, reportedly had more than 8,000 registered for D.C. Metro festivities, while 10,000 in D.C. were expected to ride to work. Freedom Plaza was packed — and packed with a solid representation of the American bike rider. We had people of all ages, backgrounds and clothing styles hanging out, talking about bikes, and having fun.
The speakers at the event were just as impressive as the turnout, and they made all of us bicyclists feel warm and fuzzy. The D.C. politicians get why bikes are important and raved about Capital Bike Share. Even Mayor Vincent Gray was on hand to accept Washington, D.C.’s Bicycle Friendly Community award from League president Andy Clarke — D.C. recently upgraded to a Silver-level BFC. Gray, though, said he wasn’t happy with just Silver and riled the crowd with promises of reaching Gold and one day Platinum.
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood couldn’t make it to this year’s Bike to Work Day but he did blog about it on Fast Lane and send FTA Administrator Rogoff and Undersecretary Roy Kienitz to the D.C. event. Rogoff and Kienitz cemented that the Obama administration is behind bicycling. Rogoff said bicycling helps in so many of the Obama Administration’s goals: lowering greenhouse gasses, lowering our dependency on oil, and making better and efficient use of the infrastructure we already have.
It was a great morning, and we hope you all had just as much fun around the country. Don’t forget to check out all of the D.C. Bike to Work Day pictures on Flickr and Bike to Work Day videos on You Tube.
If you’re feeling lucky, the League and Seal Line are giving away Seal Ling bags. You can win with the best Bike to Work tweet today, told in 140 characters or less. We’re taking submissions all day that use the #B2WD hashtag. You may get bonus points if you include our names @SealLine and @BikeLeague!