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Bike Summit Preview: Creating the Bicycling Agenda for 2014 and Beyond

6884035032_9b8382c654The best advocates are always looking at the big picture, thinking beyond the most immediate hurdle and around the curve at what’s waiting ahead. So while the new federal transportation law was a stumbling block, we’re already warming up and getting in shape for the next battle on Capitol Hill.

To do that, we need your help.

At the National Bike Summit — just six days from now! — we’ll begin the visioning process for the next transportation bill. We’re bringing in leaders in equity, transit, Safe Routes to School and other key areas to facilitate small group discussions that will invite your ideas and insight in building a new platform for the bike movement.

The six topics will be:

  • Tweaking the Transportation Alternatives program
  • Building Equity into the Bicycling Agenda
  • What Next for Safe Routes to School?
  • Teaming up with Transit
  • Recreational Trails and the Off-Road Agenda
  • Towards Zero Deaths: A Real Strategy for Safety

Like we promised: This Summit will be more engaging, more interactive, more participatory than any in the past. Join us next week and make your voice heard!

Online registration for the Summit ends at 5 p.m. EST tomorrow! Sign up today!


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