Bicycle Friendly America
Today, the League of American Bicyclists honors 32 cities and towns with a Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) award.
Today, the League is proud to honor 37 institutes of higher education in its 2022 round of Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) awards.
The League co-hosted a webinar with data collection experts from our partners at Eco-Counter to share the results of our 2022 ‘Bikes Count’ Data Competition.
We’re now able to offer BFC applicants a Spanish-language version of the BFC Public Survey to distribute in their community.
Meet Bicycle Friendly Business Escuela Key Elementary, a dual English/Spanish immersion school for grades K-5 located in Arlington, Virginia.
We’re opening up our Bicycle Friendly Community Public Survey to include more than just communities that applied for awards!
What’s it going to take to get more children and youth on bikes? Here are just five ideas for communities and schools to broaden youth bike education.
The League of American Bicyclists hosted hands-on workshops to provide individualized, in-person expertise.
The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health came out with some strong recommendations that fit our Bicycle Friendly America goal.
Today, the League reached over 1,500 Bicycle Friendly Businesses.