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Take Action: Support the Safe Streets Act!

Just about every one of us has been out biking for transportation or recreation — and been blocked from completing our ride or arriving at our destination because of an unsafe street, intersection or bridge. Most of us have have friends and family members who want to get out and ride but can’t find a convenient route that feels comfortable and accessible.

That’s why we need Complete Streets that are designed for everyone — including people who walk, bike or take public transit — right from the start.

Now we’re closer than we’ve ever been before to a national complete streets policy – take action today to ensure YOUR streets are designed for ALL of us.

Last year, the Safe Streets Act (HR 2468) was introduced in the House, and the bill is gaining momentum. Last week, the same bill (S 2004) was introduced in the Senate. The timing is critical because both the House and Senate are drafting transportation bills, and we need complete streets to be included!

We were so close in 2012, when the Senate passed a bill including complete streets, but it was stripped out by the House. With bi-partisan support in the House and growing support nationwide, now is the time to make it happen in 2014.

Please ask your Senators and Representative to Support the Safe Streets Act today!

If these bills pass it would ensure that all streets be designed, planned and built to with all users in mind. While the bills give guidelines and components to what a complete streets policy needs to have, they also give states flexibility to decide what a complete street looks like in their state.

Help ensure that YOUR streets are designed for everyone – take action today!

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