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Notes from climbing Capitol Hill: June 7, 2019
Every day, the League is working to promote and protect bicyclists’ rights at the federal level. Caron Whitaker, our vice president of government relations, shares her notes on the latest successes for bicycling on the Hill. Subscribe to the League’s newsletter to learn about our action alerts as they happen or join the League to support our advocacy work every day.
H.R. 3040, the SAFE Streets Act is introduced in Congress.
This bill would ensure states spend some of their safety funds on vulnerable user safety (bicyclists, pedestrians, and people using mobility devices) in areas with high rates of vulnerable user fatalities. Currently, states report spending less than 1% of federal highway safety funding on projects to make roadways safer for pedestrians and bicyclists, who comprise 18% of traffic fatalties. Please ask your Representative to co-sponsor at
State level bills on Micromobility.
New bills are popping up in state houses that would pre-empt local governments’ ability to regulate micromobility companies, like those that run scooter programs, and to collect usage data. Read an article about a proposed California law, and learn more about why the data collection has some opposition.
House Appropriators direct Dept of Transportation to use BUILD program funding for more multimodal and fewer highway projects.
They will work with Senate appropriators to finalize the message when passing the Transportation, HUD Budget. Learn more about BUILD program grants and how they have been allocated in the past.
The Federal Transit Agency is running a grant competition for Integrated Mobility Initiative grants.
Eligible entities include DOTs, transit agencies, and local governments. Eligible activities include demonstration projects of innovative and effective practices, partnerships, etc. that enhance transit effectiveness. If your organization qualifies, learn more about how to apply for funds.