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New Distracted Driving Report
The Advocacy Advance Team, a partnership between the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Bicycling and Walking, has released a new report, Distracted Driving: a Bicycling Advocate’s Resource. It describes the current research into the dangers of distracted driving, says which states have texting and cellphone bans and makes recommendation for good legislation. This information is summarized in a two-page Distracted Driving fact sheet. The full Distracted Driving report also provides advice on making the case for laws, shows evidence that the laws are needed and enforceable, and tells stories of successful campaigns.
National Bike Summit attendees can see Wednesday’s 11:15 am panel session “Traffic Justice – Don’t Be Driven to Distracted Driving,” featuring speakers from NHTSA, AAA, the New York State Police, and Chicago’s Active Transportation Alliance. (I will be moderating — if you are a regular reader, come say hello.) See the Summit program.

The back of a bus suggests that drivers send a text message to Jetta dealership. It also throws in its own (smaller) safety messages.